Ulrtafine Copper Powder PMU, Nickel wire NP2,NP1
Our company – «Intex-export» LLC manufactures ultra thin nickel wire of different kinds, ultrafine Copper Cowder:
1. Nickel wire NP2, NP1 of 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 mm dia, 99.80-99.98% purity;
2. Copper wire of 0.025 mm dia.
3. Ultrafine Copper Powder. The purity grade of Copper Powder is 99.999%. It was calculated as difference between 100% and Sum of Impurities. List of impurities corresponds to TU 1793-011-50316079-2004.
We would be very interested to supply you with the above mentioned goods and provide the best service. We believe that this cooperation will turn very profitable for both your and our companies. First of all, we offer very good prices as the end seller. Secondly, we can ship worldwide, on a regular basis and adjust the delivery terms to every single client.
Wire marking is done in accordance with GOST 2179-75 «Wire from nickel and siliceous nickel. Technical terms».
Our manufacturing capabilities allow us to produce other types of ultra thin wires (for example, gold or silver) and we are ready to discuss the production of them.
Our company is open to cooperation with businessmen, who are involved in trading activities. We offer to work as a trade agent on the terms of non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreement. The commision is negotiable.
“Intex-export” LLC has two divisions – in the USA (“Intex-supply” LLC) and in Europe (“Smilrat” Ltd). If desired, we can work from these companies.
With hope to establish fruitful business relations with your company,
Yours faithfully,
Andrey Muratov
General director, «Intex-Export» LLC
skype: mtc-intex
1. Nickel wire NP2, NP1 of 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 mm dia, 99.80-99.98% purity;
2. Copper wire of 0.025 mm dia.
3. Ultrafine Copper Powder. The purity grade of Copper Powder is 99.999%. It was calculated as difference between 100% and Sum of Impurities. List of impurities corresponds to TU 1793-011-50316079-2004.
We would be very interested to supply you with the above mentioned goods and provide the best service. We believe that this cooperation will turn very profitable for both your and our companies. First of all, we offer very good prices as the end seller. Secondly, we can ship worldwide, on a regular basis and adjust the delivery terms to every single client.
Wire marking is done in accordance with GOST 2179-75 «Wire from nickel and siliceous nickel. Technical terms».
Our manufacturing capabilities allow us to produce other types of ultra thin wires (for example, gold or silver) and we are ready to discuss the production of them.
Our company is open to cooperation with businessmen, who are involved in trading activities. We offer to work as a trade agent on the terms of non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreement. The commision is negotiable.
“Intex-export” LLC has two divisions – in the USA (“Intex-supply” LLC) and in Europe (“Smilrat” Ltd). If desired, we can work from these companies.
With hope to establish fruitful business relations with your company,
Yours faithfully,
Andrey Muratov
General director, «Intex-Export» LLC
skype: mtc-intex
Сообщение автору объявления
Регионы: Сыктывкар, Республика Коми
Категория: Предложение
Телефон: 89160207777
Отправлено: 28.08.2011 18:56
Число просмотров: сегодня: 1, всего: 126
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Бронза: цены, покупка и продажа
Бронза: цены, покупка и продажа
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Следующее объявление в разделе бронза:
Пруток бронзовый БрБ2 Ф15 ТВЕРДЫЙ ПОВЫШЕННОЙ ТОЧНОСТИ ГОСТ15835-2013
Пруток бронзовый БрБ2 Ф15 ТВЕРДЫЙ ПОВЫШЕННОЙ ТОЧНОСТИ ГОСТ15835-2013
Предыдущее объявление в разделе бронза:
куплю дорого алюминий баночка шлак литеное производство
куплю дорого алюминий баночка шлак литеное производство
Адрес объявления: https://syktyvkar.metaltorg.ru/Prodazha/Ulrtafine-copper-powder-pmu-nickel-wire-np2-np1_Prodam_2136340.html
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